
Friday, September 7, 2012

End of an Era

Isn't this a cheesy picture?
I make reference to my law firm every now and then, as I am sure you have noticed. This week I have been unable to blog as much, because my wonderful law partner is leaving the firm to join another firm. It is an exciting opportunity for her, and I will miss her greatly. We've worked together for about a year, and it's been fantastic! She has inspired me to cook and create more things than I ever thought I could, and I thought I should give a shout-out to her. She has also started her own blog, and I would advise you to read it (she's a pretty fantastic cook). It's called eatshop, check it out.

Next week I hope to be my normal blogging self. I have a lot of posts about my 'staycation' and other goodies. See you then!

1 comment:

  1. I love you Penni! It was wonderful to work with such an inspiring woman!


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